Pictures Sarkodie lecture's Havard gurus.

Sarkodie on Saturday morning had a lecture at the Massachusetts Havard University as a speaker at the 18th Annual African Business Conference #HBSABC2016. He updated his status on Facebook "@Massachusetts Havard University to speak on some few stuffs and turn up with the students later on then to Washington DC for the #AllAccess concert then back to London. For the Epic Concert 11th March @02 Grant me traveling mercies God. 
Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep the faith, it will all worth it at the end. Don't give up on yourself. #Sarknation bless yall."

It is unclear what exactly Sarkodie went to talk about but as we know, He is an astute business man and entrepreneur in addition to his musical genius. There are definitely a few lessons the academic gurus at the business school could learn from him. 
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Reuters: Top News