Brussels bombing- Islamic terrorism, fact or fiction

In the wake of the Brussels, Belgium terror attacks. There were angry rants on Twitter to stop Islam leading to the hashtag #stopislam trending. 

In this article we ask "Why terrorists kill people in the name of Islam."?
We first take a look at Quran 8:12, which says, "When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them." this certainly sounds like the Quran expects unbelievers to be beheaded, and it reads as if this violence is a divine command intended to inspire terror. In an attempt to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt as perhaps it wasn't meant to be taken literally I searched more from the net. 

Apparently the Christian scriptures falls culprit to similarly rather violent commands from God. There is the command in 1 Samuel 15:3 "Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."

Islamic scholars state that the background for this command is within an actual battle situation. The Battle of Badr in the year AD624 is the time and place where Muslim warriors were called to defend their people. They argue that it is just as unfair to generalize from this verse and say that the religion of Islam condones beheading as it is for critics of Christianity to say that I Samuel 15:3 commands genocide, and that Christianity is intrinsically a barbaric and violent religion.

It seems a fair argument. The damning verse from the Quran, just like the damning verse from the Old Testament, was set in a particular historical context in which the warriors claimed divine revelation for their acts of genocide or violence.
It is worth mentioning that in as much as the Quran doesn't imply that Muslims should go on a beheading spree, In Nigeria, Boko Haram are doing just that The same is happening in Syria and Northern Iraq as ISIS claims territory — evacuating villages, slaughtering their inhabitants, selling the women into slavery and burning churches. They do all this in the name of Allah and in thier shallow minds believe are pursuing the just cause of ALLAH.

Moderate Muslims are as dismayed by such extremism as a Christian would be to hear of genocide committed in obedience to 1 Samuel 15:3.
The answer therefore is that Quran 8:12 does not command beheading, but fanatical Muslims are using the words from their Scriptures to justify unspeakable violence and terror. 
Instead they should listen to their own moderate and wise teachers. "A lie that is told a 1000 times can sometimes become the truth". It's necessary Islamic Scholars act fast in educating the young ones to ensure they do not see this as the norm. 

Musa is a Muslim, if Musa does wrong condemn Musa not his religion. Islam does not preach violence.!!!

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