5 things you didn't know about child birth

1. It doesn't end with child birth. 

 You still have to deliver the placenta after the baby emerges don't be surprised if you still have extra pushing to do 

2. Countdown not always accurate 

Pregnant women usually like to have a finish line to look forward to. It really helpful getting through nice months when you know there is a deadline on your discomfort. The truth however is only 5 percent of women deliver on their due dates. So don't be surprised when that little thing doesn't sprout right on schedule. 

3. Rectal Pressure During Birth

 As the baby descends the mother will feel pressure in her rectum as if she wants to pass a stool. Don't worry this is nothing the nurses at Ridge hospital haven't seen before. This possibility happens to far more women than most would admit. If it does happen though don't feel embarrassed. 

4. Take note of number five

5. The head doesn't need your help 

 Women who deliver through the vagina will have the heads of thier babies expanded, as it allowed for smooth passage. Most women tend to then apply pressure and warm towel on the heads in an attempt to restore to its normal round shape. It's however proven that the head shape will naturally return over time. So ladies just get some clay instead to practice your moulding lessons. 

From now on don't worry about trying to be an expert. No two babies are the same, even conjoined twins. So take a deep breath a prepare to be surprised. 

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