New world order of rap

"The influx of several rap artistes in the gospel music industry is as promising as it is worthy a brow rise. there have been the likes of kj 52 who blazed the trail for so long, before handing over the torch to other acts such as lecrae, pro, flame, Andy Mineo, This'l and a host of other up and coming young acts to continue in similar fashion. However this trend is yet to fully catch up in Ghana

This is a post I drafted a few years ago(2012) but never got posted. Going forward this post has been rendered somewhat redundant as gospel rap is now here to stay. 
In Ghana we have seen the rise and rise of several acts such as Preachers, OBJ, Paapa of once upon a time, Regardless , Kingskid, and the list goes on. 
(Did I mention I've tried gospel rap myself

Most people would argue about the biblical acceptability of gospel rap on most blogs;  This blog however doesn't seek to embark on this fruitless mission. 
This is just a discussion, a discussion about virtually nothing that you haven't already heard from that gospel rap fanatic. 
A discussion that will leave a sour taste in your mouth at the end. 
A discussion that the writer doesn't even know how it's going to end.
"So why is that guy rapping about God and still has all those tattoos and piercings" that was a question I once heard a lady ask while watching a gospel music video. I won't go quickly to defend that dude as I don't know him from Adam. But the only thing I wondered was, ok so he should wipe off his tatoos before coming to God? 
With that same analogy someone with body piercings should as well seal them up before coming to God. Wowwwww such double standards; given that we are told to come to God just as we are. 

" I gave my  life to Christ but couldn't stop listening to hiphop. What is my way out" ? Simple. Christian rap. I'm so not the Don Moen, T. D Jakes, kind of person so listening to rap lines like " I wanna be like you in any way so if I gotta die any day unworthy sacrifice, but the least I can do is be the most of me, cos being just like you is wat I'm supposed to be,....... They say you came for the lame I'm the lamest I made a mess but you said you ll erase it,I'll take it......" I bet you had goose bumps reading that. 
Those are lines by Lecrae(Just like you). You should all take a listen to that song if you haven't yet.

Now to the local scene. The first time I heard preachers I thought these people are a bunch of jokers. I felt deep down I could do a better job. The rap was off beat, the tunes were poorly mixed. They had several guys rapping in there, made it a bit disjointed. A few years later they are now a gospel rap powerhouse. They seem to have implemented all the things I recommended in my mind. They began shooting very good videos to complement their songs. They cut the number down to 3. And now it's time to go global. 
Now the bummer. They seem to be losing focus on wats really important especially the guy who seems to be the leader of the group. He raps too fast. Do I need to remind him it's gospel not hiphop. The only difference is de message; so now, what happens is we cannot hear whatever message they intended to propagate. This defeats the entire idea. Dude chill.we know you can rap. 
Ok I think I've said enough.

As at the time of writing this, The writer had backslidden. 
He listens to drake in his free time.  


Reuters: Top News