Happy dependence day, Ghana. My objective view.

There was rapturous applause and finally a real sense of nationalism on that day, when Kwame Nkrumah delivered that ever popular speech declaring Ghana free forever. 
There were colors of red, gold and green flying everywhere. Many had come from far and near to witness this historical occasion. The whole world witnessed the end of an era of British colonial rule, and saluted the birth of a new independent African state. 
Little did they know that this was the biggest mistake of our lives. Little did we know that we were shooting ourselves in the foot. The blackman was assumed to be capable of managing his own affairs, apparently not. 
Only if Kwame Nkrumah knew that his vision for Ghana would end up in shameless shambles........ It's really shocking that with all his said visionary abilities, he couldn't for once envision this level of retrogression we are currently faced with. 
In an age where other serious nations and their leaders are discussing space exploration, nuclear power and weapons creation, green energy generation, solar powered cars, Mars and moon habitation, global warming issues, and unbreakable Iphones, we are here messing up; praising ourselves because we built this or that road. It's really funny the caliber of leaders we have in this country. The youth who should be the ones to rise up are also busily supporting one bigotry leader or another. A country where one is branded a threat to national security simply because you criticised a government policy. A country where you can't get anything done quickly enough without greasing a few hands. A country where education has moved from knowledge based to exams based. A country that has the best laws and yet has the worst level of indiscipline. A country where you pay duty on a car for twice the amount paid for the car. A country that has lost control over its economy largely due to selling all of its stake in strategic corporations. A country that can't build a simple hospital or road without a grant or loan, and surprisingly the leaders brag about managing to secure these loans. It's true that every nation owes but let's be modest about it a bit. I'm getting emotional. If you were expecting to see how we can do things right in this write-up I'm sorry to disappoint, we all know what to do. But sadly we won't. 
Happy dependence day. 
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Reuters: Top News